Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To
cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have
the real spirit of Christmas.
Don't expect too much of Christmas Day. You can't crowd into it
any arrears of unselfishness and kindliness that may have
accrued during the past twelve months.
Ur friendship is a glowing ember through the yr n each december
frm its warm n livin spark v kindle flame against da dark n with
its shining radiance light our tree of faith on Christmas night.
Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.
May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you all through the
Year. Wishing you a season of blessings from heaven above. Happy